- How do I renew or extend my Certification?
- What is the difference between "Expired" and "Final Renew" dates for my certification?
- Accommodations Request - English as a Learned Language (ELL)
- Am I eligible for the COVID-19 grace period extension?
- Are there any classes specific to certification?
- Can't reset my Certification password.
- Covid-19 Grace Period Extension Ends December 31, 2022
- Difference between Exams and Certifications
- Exam Accommodations Policy
- F5 Exam Fees and Refund Policy
- F5 is NOT implementing online proctored exams
- F5 NGINX Certification FAQ
- F5 Professional Certifications vs. F5 Sales Accreditations
- F5 Sales Accreditations General Information
- FAQ: F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP BETA exams
- Feedback on exam performance
- How do I change or update my name in Certiverse?
- How do I check my certification status?
- How do I connect my F5 SSO account with my F5 Certified account? (Merge Account)
- How do I download my Certification certificate?
- How do I enroll in the F5 Certified Professionals program?
- How do I get a receipt/invoice for my exam fees?
- How do I get exam (assessment) results?
- How do I modify my Certification account?
- How do I register for the F5 Certified program?
- How do I request a new test center?
- How do I reschedule or cancel an exam appointment?
- How do I reset my F5 candidate certification portal password or retrieve my candidate ID?
- How do I schedule an exam appointment?
- How do I schedule an NGINX exam?