The F5 Certified team is excited to announce some key changes to the F5 Certified Professionals Program, starting with the new F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP (F5-CA, BIG-IP) exam series. These changes are designed to enhance the value and relevance of our certifications, ensuring that our candidates continue to experience real world benefits by achieving F5 Certification.
What’s Changing?
1. Introduction of New Certification Exams for the Certified Administrator, BIG-IP credential: Based on candidate feedback and input from our community of subject matter experts, we recognized improvements need to be made to the existing exam structure to ensure exam content and the resulting certifications provides value to our candidates. Similar to the F5 Certified Administrator, NGINX certification released in 2024, this newly refreshed Certified Administrator, BIG-IP credential is comprised of five shorter exams with one topic per exam. These five exams can be taken in any order. The full exam listing, including exam blueprints, is visible on MyF5.
2. Updated Exam Content: We assessed the existing 101 & 201 exams and made the necessary changes to exam topics, objectives, and questions to ensure the content is relevant and updated, while adhering to the rigorous standards of our assessments. Instead of two, 90-minute exams, there are now five, 30-minute exams. These updated exams continue to focus on the specific knowledge, skills, and ability that a candidate should have in order to achieve certification and validate their knowledge of BIG-IP technology. The majority of ADC content has been removed from these exams, because there are other places in the market where individuals can gain that knowledge. Psychometric evaluations of the new exam format confirmed that the certification achieved by passing these five shorter exams is equal in validity to the current certification exam regime.
3. A Single Renewal Exam: To maintain the relevance and credibility of the F5-CA, BIG-IP we are implementing a new renewal exam in March 2025. Rather than retaking the 201 exam, candidates in the renewal period will need to take and pass the 60-minute exam to refresh their certification status. The renewal exam also applies to all candidates with an inactive and/or expired certification. Re-activating an expired certification through the new renewal exam is applicable to all candidates regardless of their certification expiration date. (For example, a candidate with an F5-CA that expired in April 2020, will be able to renew their certification status with a single exam.)
4. Online Exam Delivery: Candidates have been asking for online proctored versions of the BIG-IP exams for years. Thanks to advancements in technology and security, we now have the confidence to enable online exam delivery. To start, the beta versions of the BIG-IP exams will be offered exclusively via Certiverse online delivery. Once the beta period has ended, the production version of these exams will also be available through Certiverse, along with the NGINX Administration exam series available today.
5. Education Services Portal: Launched in December 2024, the new Education Services Portal connects Certification details to other F5 resources through SSO. Our intent with the new portal is to make it easier for candidates to check Certification status, schedule exams, find training in LearnF5, and access other learning opportunities.
Why These Changes?
The primary goal of these updates is to ensure that our certification program remains aligned with the professional development goals of our candidates and the evolving needs of the industry. By updating exam content, modifying the renewal process, and implementing new exam delivery methods, we aim to provide valuable certifications to our candidates.
What Isn’t Changing?
- All certification paths still begin with the F5 Certified Administrator (F5-CA). There is no shortcut to the Certified Technology Specialist or Solution Expert certifications; everyone must earn the F5-CA.
- Certifications are still valid for two years from the date of achievement.
- The F5 Certified program is still a closed program and all candidates need to register in the Education Services Portal, previously known as the Candidate Portal.
How does this affect candidates currently working toward the Certified Administrator, BIG-IP credential?
Candidates who have not achieved the Certified Administrator, BIG-IP credential will take and pass the new BIG-IP Administration exams. This includes any candidates who have not taken any exams and/or have failed the 101 exam.
Candidates who are currently eligible for the 201 exam (i.e. took and passed the 101 within the last 24 months) need to take and pass the 201 exam to earn the certification. Access to the 201 for those candidates who are currently eligible will stay active for the duration of their eligibility. Alternatively, those candidates can choose to take the five BIG-IP Administration exams to earn their certification.
How does this affect candidates who need to renew an active F5-CA, BIG-IP or candidates with an expired F5-CA, BIG-IP credential?
Candidates with an expired F5-CA, BIG-IP credential can take the new renewal exam launching in March 2025. Regardless of expiration date, whether a certification expired six days ago, or six years ago… anyone who achieved F5-CA, BIG-IP certification can reinstate their certification by passing the single renewal exam. The renewal will be at the beginning of March, is 60 minutes long, has 50 items, and follows the same multiple choice format of the existing F5 Certified exams. More details about the renewal exam are coming in February.
Looking Ahead:
Announcements will be made as new initiatives are released.
- Subject Matter Expert (SME) Training and Certification
- Additional Accreditations
- Enhanced Learning Paths for Certification
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