Exam summary
This is the second and final exam that must be successfully completed by candidates who want to achieve F5 Certified! Administrator, BIG IP status. Passing this exam shows independence in performing day-to-day operations and basic troubleshooting of TMOS-based devices in various application environments after it has been installed, configured, and implemented. Individuals may choose to complete their certification journey here or move on to pursue the Technical Professional, Technical Specialist, Cloud, or Security Solutions certification tracks.
Summary description of the minimally qualified candidate (MQC)
The MQC is capable of performing day-to-day operations of TMOS-based devices which have already been installed. The MQC is also capable of basic troubleshooting of a TMOS-based device in order to provide full, accurate, and appropriate information to senior engineers and/or F5 Support.
The MQC can do the following without assistance:
- Able to access and manage the BIG-IP through multiple paths (management IP, Self IP)
- Perform administrative tasks using the GUI
- Understand the relationship and differentiation between virtual servers, virtual server types, virtual addresses, pools, pool members, nodes, profiles, iRules, and address translation (NAT/SNAT)
- Be familiar with HTTP, ClientSSL, ServerSSL, TCP, UDP, and persistence profiles
- Open a support case and utilize online resources such as AskF5, F5 iHealth, and DevCentral
- Perform software management functions on the platform (for example, capable of performing upgrades and licensing)
Prerequisite: Valid passing score on Exam 101 or valid F5-CTP, Sales Certification
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