Welcome to F5 Education Services Support Community!
PinnedOne of the biggest challenges over the past decade of running F5's professional certification program has been the lack of tools and resources allowing us to easily and effectively communicate with the now 42,000+ registered individuals in the program. While we have grown a LinkedIn community that now exceeds 21,000 members, we still lacked the ability to easily provide answers to frequently asked questions, robust search capability, and no simple way to convert questions/issues from individuals and turn them into support requests that ultimately help the entire community. As my role has expended to include F5's digital education experience and operations for our global education service delivery teams, I found similar challenges.
This is now changing: Welcome to the F5 Education Services Support Community!
Here, we hope you find a new way to engage with the F5 Education Services team and like-minded individuals from the community to solve challenges, get guidance, and take an active role in your F5 training and certification journey. We have setup a few initial topic areas, created a bunch of FAQ documents, and added functionality to help you get answers on your own, and engage with us when you need more assistance.
What we ask from you is simple: get engaged. Help us better serve you by participating in discussions, make suggestions to improve the experience, and help us make sure this remains the authoritative source of all things F5 education and certification.
Thank you for being a member of our growing community ... and I look forward to engaging with you here.
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