F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP Beta exams will be available on the Certiverse platform January 17, 2025 - February 28, 2025.
General information about F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP Beta Exams
Q. How many F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP beta exams are there?
There are five F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP Certification beta exams.
- BIG-IP Administration Install, Initial Configuration, and Upgrade
- BIG-IP Administration Data Plane Concepts
- BIG-IP Administration Data Plane Configuration
- BIG-IP Administration Control Plane Administration
- BIG-IP Administration Support and Troubleshooting
Q. Do these beta exams have to be taken in a specific order?
No. The beta exams can be taken in any order.
Q. Is there a blueprint for these exams?
Yes. All five exams are combined to form a Certified Administrator, BIG-IP certification blueprint.
Q. Are there prerequisites for these beta exams?
No. There are no prerequisites, but candidates must be registered in the F5 Certified program. For detailed registration instructions, read How do I register for the F5 Certified program?
Q. What are the dates for the beta exams?
January 14, 2025 – February 28, 2025
Q. How much do the beta exams cost?
Each of the beta exams cost $20 USD with promo code F5CABBETA for the first 200 candidates who take the exams. Without the promo code, each beta exam costs $50 USD.
Q. How do I get a promo code to reduce the cost of the beta exams?
The beta exam promo code is F5CABBETA available to the first 200 people who take the exams.
Q. Are there vouchers for the beta exams?
No. Beta exams must be paid for with a credit card.
Q. Can anyone take these beta exams?
Yes. Everyone who is registered for the F5 Certified program is eligible to take these beta exams. Even if you have previously achieved any F5 certification, you can still take the exams.
Q. Is there a limit to the number of beta participants?
No. There is no limit, and the more people who participate, the better for the quality of the final exams will be. However, only the first 200 people will be able to take the beta exams at the reduced price of $20 USD each.
Q. How do I schedule my beta exam?
For detailed instructions, read How do I schedule a BETA exam?
Q. I've passed the 101 exam, do I need to take all five of the beta exams to achieve certification or can I take the 201?
You can take the 201 exam for up to two years after the date you passed the 101 exam. The 201 will still be available for candidates who are eligible. However, the 101 exam will be retired in March 2025 after the beta has ended.
Beta Exam Format and Details
Q. What is the format of the beta exams?
The F5 BIG-IP, Certified Administrator beta exams are multiple choice. Some of the questions have exhibits. We recommend you review the entire question and all of the exhibit to answer the question. Most of the beta questions are “select one correct answer,” however there are some beta questions that will prompt you to “select two correct answers.” You must select two correct answers to get credit for that question. Partial credit is not given.
Q. How long are each of the beta exams?
The beta exams have up to 60 questions. The beta exams are 60 minutes in duration. Exam time will start when the first question appears on your screen. There are no time extensions for beta exams.
Q. Can I flag questions for review?
Yes, you can flag items for review to change at the end of the exam. However, the exam clock will not stop.
Q. Can I skip questions?
Yes, you can skip questions. However, it is important to flag those questions to review and ensure you have answered them before the end of the exam.
Q. Can I change my answers to the questions?
Yes. You can change it while you are answering the question. You can also flag it to review at the end of the exam and change it then.
Q. What language are the beta exams in?
Q. Can I provide feedback to the beta exams?
Yes. You can add comments to each of the questions, but the exam clock will not stop. Your feedback is valuable and F5 Certification reviews all comments. You can also email support@mail.education.f5.com with general feedback. Please do not email exam content in your feedback.
Q. Can I retake the beta exams?
No. You cannot retake beta exams. You can retake any of the F5 Certified Administrator, BIG-IP exam when they are released as a “scored” exam after the beta results have been processed and the scored version is published. This can take up to 30 days after the beta closes.
What to expect when taking a beta exam
Q. How are the beta exams delivered?
The beta exams are delivered online via Certiverse, F5’s preferred beta exam delivery vendor. These beta exams are exclusively online; they are not available in Pearson VUE testing centers.
Q. Where can I get more information about taking exams on the Certiverse Platform?
For general information about taking exams through the Certiverse platform, please see Certiverse Test Taking Resources.
Q. How do I know my laptop will work with the Certiverse platform?
Please check the System Settings on the Certiverse website to confirm you are able to take an exam on your device.
Beta Exam Results and Certification Credentials
Q. Are the beta exams scored?
Yes. Beta exams will be scored after the beta closes and all of the data from the beta exams has been analyzed. The process of scoring exams and processing the results may take up to 30 days after the beta period concludes. If you do not pass all exams during the beta, you will be able to take the scored version of the exams once they are published to continue your path to certification.
Q. Do the beta exams count toward the Certified Administrator, BIG-IP certification?
Yes. If you pass all five exams, you will achieve Certified Administrator, BIG-IP certification.
If you do not pass all of the exams during the beta, you will be able to take the scored version of the exams once they’re published to continue to work toward achieving your certification.
Certification Development
Q. Can I contribute to the ongoing development of the F5 Certified exams and certifications?
YES! F5 Certification is always recruiting subject matter experts (SMEs) to write and review exam questions.
Please email certdev@mail.education.f5.com to volunteer and we’ll get you started.
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